As Above So Below..

The Awakening is upon us.  We came to guide humanity into higher states of awareness, creating new alternate realities.  In this higher state of awareness, there are alternate dimensions where reality is experienced.  There are 144,000 ascended masters partaking in this.  This was a safety net.  That’s the minimum amount of souls for the ascension process.  Our bodies are changing back into etheric bodies of light, these light bodies are capable of making a physical ascension into the 5th dimension.  The Earth has 144 main gridpoint vortex’s.  The human body is made of 144 sacred geometric patterns.  Our goal here is to enlighten all of our cerebrum’s 144 billion cells. To do this, however, we only need to fuse light into the 144,000 cells that serve as the activating agents.  These 144,000 cells uplift and reprogram the the entire cerebral cortex.  You can look at this as a high tech computer system that is one with the consciousness grid.  We chose to leave our ascended state to assist with this transition.  The spiritual hierarchy is also correlated with the 144,000.  This hierarchy is made of many cosmic beings.  This is your opportunity, through service, to make your way up this hierarchy.  It’s simple be the light and spread the light.  

“144,000 sun dance enlightened teachers will totally awaken in their dream mind bodies.  They will begin to meet in their own feather serphant  wheels, merkaba, and become a major force of light to help the rest of humanity to dance their dream awake” -Harley Swiftdeer Native Prophecy

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