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Category: Astrology
On The Energies…
Expect shooting stars tonight. It’s the peak of the peak of the Draconids Meteor Shower. It will remain visible thru the 10:10 Portal. This is an all or nothing meteor shower. This shower is mostly visible in the early night. Expect post sunset shooting stars this week. You want to look towards the constellation Draco,…
On The Energies…
We have a chance of more X flares today. Expect today and tomorrow night to be lit. We will be continuing to move through some Geomagnetic Storms through the rest of the weekend. Today our Scorpio Moon is Conjunct Venus in Scorpio. This will heighten desire. During a conjunction the energies of both are intensified. …
On The Energies…
Today brings us a potent triangle with Venus, Mars, and Saturn retrograde under the three water signs Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces. That’s a lot of water that will amp up your intuition and feeling things. This triple trine will bring a lot of positivity and good fortune. It’s all about trusting your gut and going…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Happy Libra Solar Eclipse. This is a beautiful time to be finding more balance energetically, and in your life. We have a huge emphasis on healing our relationships and clearing karmic energies with this one. It’s just whatever you’re working on healing and processing. It’s time to let go of the past. This Eclipse aligns…
On The Energies…
Today our Sun in Libra is Opposite the North Node in Aries. Destiny is in the air. This could be following your passion for something or someone. This alignment is to prepare us for our Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse. You’ll notice the theme this Libra Season is all about relationships, as Libra rules partnerships. …
On The Energies…
Today Mercury in Cancer is trine Saturn in Pisces. This can really help you to put plans in place for love success. This trine gives you a more realistic outlook on how to execute your plans. Venus will also be in Scorpio and square Pluto, while the North Node will be opposite Mercury. Venus rules…
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