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Category: Healing
On The Energies…
Today Mars square Uranus. This is giving you a chance to shift your mindset, and clear anything blocking your success. Expect high energies that may be bringing some tension up. It’s all about getting back on track with your path. Mercury shifts into Aries today where it will stay until May 15th. Expect to feel…
I’m Doing Activations Today…
Today is a major Galactic Activation Portal Day. We are also in the Lions Gate Portal. Make sure you’re tapping into these energies. Here are the healings/ activations that I’m doing for today only. 7:28 Twin Flame Past Life Healing Package… 7:28 Galactic Energy Healing Package… 7:28 Starseed Twin Flame Activation… 7:28…
I’m Doing Activations Today…
Happy Galactic New Year! It’s an amazing day for doing healing work.Here are the links to the ones I’m doing just for today… 7:28 Galactic Sirian Activation… Galactic New Year Activation… 7:26 Galactic New Year Twin Flame Activation… 7:26 Galactic New Year Karma Healing Package… Galactic New Year Healing Package……
I’m Doing Activations Today…
It’s a Day Out Of Time today! It’s the Eve of the Galactic New Year! An amazing day for doing healing work. Here are the links to the ones I’m doing just for today… 7:25 A Day Out Of Time Twin Flame Activation… 7:25 Day Out Of Time Healing Activation… 7:25 Day Out…
On The Energies…
The 13th, and the 14th the Moon aligns with the Pleiades! Expect a huge influx of Pleiadian Energies. Will be bringing a dreamy magical vibe. It’s a great time to see the Milky Way right now, if you can get somewhere dark. We have a Cancer New Moon on July 17th. This is also a…
I’m Doing Activations From Mt. Shasta Today…
I’m doing activations from Mt. Shasta all day the 22nd. This is the Peak of this years May Pleiadian Alignment. Amazing energies to be connecting with!! One of my favorite Sacred Sites! Mt. Shasta Telos Activation… Mt. Shasta Twin Flame Activation… Mt. Shasta Violet Flame Activation…
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