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Category: Love
Happy Valentines Day!
Tonight we have a Scorpio Moon that is opposite Taurus. That means there is a ton of creative and highly sexual energy flying around. These energies have also been making things very intense. As we continue to move forward with this process we are able to feel more and more. These energies are asking us…
A Year For Spiritual Union..
The highest attainment of Divine expression is love. The spiritual unions around us are seeding a foundation for the collective. Reminders to the all, of what we are here for. It’s not an ordinary love you have been looking for, it’s the completion of your soul. To have retrieved enough pieces, to have created a…
Making Space For A Higher Dimensional Love
At what point did you stop believing in fairy tales? I only ask because our experience is the ultimate story and far to many people have settled for less then love. In the modern notion of fairy tales they tell stories of princes coming on white horses to save you. Too many people have sought…
Living Past The Labels..
Trying to label love usually turns into very hard lessons. Love is infinite and there are infinite expressions of it. Spiritual Union is the ultimate attainment. To reach this place, you must have healed completely. You must make every aspect whole again, the ultimate integration of self. Any labels keep you contained to that label. …
Sexual Energy..
Sex is often thought of a form of procreation. It’s a powerful energy exchange on all levels. When you have sex with someone you permanently merge your energy together with them. You also can create soul ties. If you ever had a bad relationship this life, it shows you your past coming back to be…
Divine Union
This is a journey to love. It must be found within before it’s found in another. We walk on paths of light, within a Logos made of this love. To find love within your soul is to know it within all. To know yourself is to know all. The spiritual dimensions of love were once…
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