Category: Manifesting

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today we have the Sun in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces.  Make sure you’re dreaming big and embrace the magic, but remember to stay grounded.  This alignment may slightly blur the line between your dreams and reality.  Neptune energy is amazing for healing and clearing unconscious patterns.  These energies are all about breaking free from…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Happy 12:12 Portal! This is a powerful energy portal that opens between the Universe and Earth, allowing you to raise your vibration, and to connect to a higher frequency.  These energies are amazing for manifesting your dream life.  Manifesting is the practice of attracting what is meant for your Highest Self.  It’s all about putting…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today is our Sagittarius New Moon.  It’s helping us to open new doors.  It’s all about putting your intentions out there for those manifestations right now.  It’s all about where you want your next chapter to take you.  It’s a great time to set an intention for abundance.  The archer is all about exploring new…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today Mercury is Conjuncts Venus.  Mercury is all about the mind and how we communicate and Venus love and money.  Remember Mercury is still Retrograde as it meets up with Venus in Aries.  This means we still have a focus on healing and letting go of the past until it shifts direct the 25th.  As…

  • On The Energies…

    Today is the last day of a 3 day perfect alignment between Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Moon. You should feel in better alignment. We are shifting out of Aries Season and into Taurus Season this Sunday. The entire Universe is conspiring to assist you. The Planets have been in perfect alignment with your spiritual…

  • Manifesting 2020…

    This time in between the Eclipse Gateways has become a realm of dreams.  You can feel the vibe as the collective is seeding their intentions for 2020.  This is a space to manifest the new.  2020 is a time to master manifesting, and all of creation begins in the mind.  We are adjusting to a…