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Category: The Matrix
On The Energies…
Happy Summer Solstice! This is a significant point on the Wheel of the year. It’s the longest day of light for those shifting into Summer, and the longest day of darkness for those shifting into the Winter. We celebrate the marriage of the God and Goddess. Their Union brings balance to the world. Expect to…
On The Energies…
Today we continue to move through the Eta Aquariids Meteor Shower. Earth is passing through debris left behind from Halley’s Comet. You couldn’t get more magical energies. Today is also my birthday. It’s all about daydreaming, manifesting, and love as we prepare for tomorrow’s Taurus New Moon. This is one of the more powerful New…
On The Energies…
Saturday’s Virgo New Moon aligns with Draco. Draco the Dragon can be seen over us right now. This constellation is snaking it’s way across the sky. The sky tends to tell us a deeper Galactic story. A record of our history and where we came from. Draco is home to the Alpha Draconians which are…
Incoming Solar Storm…
Many of you may be feeling the effects of all of these energies. We are seeing a huge amount of Ascension Energies coming in right now. These are Galactic Energies, energies coming from our Sun, Solar Flares, and Geomagnetic Storms. A massive Solar Storm is kicking off. We just had a Plasma explosion happen with…
Earth’s Chakras Today…
Today we are doing our Earth’s Chakras class. This is something I’m very guided to. My own journey had a lot to do with working with those vortexs. We are going to go through our bodies chakras and the Earth’s chakras. We are going to go into the sacred sites on these chakra points, and…
On The Energies…
The 333 Portal is at its peak! We have tons of Cosmic Energies streaming in right now. The Ascension Upgrades continue as we continue to receive a high influx of Light Codes within these Energies. These are Healing Energies. We are adjusting to higher and higher frequency energies. The higher the frequency we are on,…
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