Category: Uncategorized

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Happy Capricorn New Moon and 1:11 portal.  Today is a huge Ascension Gateway.  The 1:11 Portal opens today and it will remain open all week.  This is a rare conjunction that is all about setting your intentions.  Today is all about using these Cosmic Energies for manifesting your desires.  This is a powerful day for…

  • I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

    I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

    This is the first New Moon of 2024.  It’s also the 1:11 Portal.  The 1:11 Portal is a powerful Gateway, that gives us a chance for new beginnings and fresh starts.  Today is a powerful day for manifesting.  Make sure you’re tapping into these energies.  I’m doing healings and activations today.  Here are the links…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today our Capricorn Sun harmonizes with Uranus retrograde in Taurus.  Expect huge shifts to be happening in your life right now.  You’re going through a huge transition.  Uranus is known for bringing breakdowns, breakups, and breakthroughs.  This is getting clarity, downloads, and realization energies.  Tonight we have our Crescent Moon merging together with Venus, Mercury,…

  • I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

    I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

    Today we have a conjunction happening between our Capricorn Sun and Uranus in Taurus.  These two signs together are powerful for building and manifesting.  These two Earth signs compliment each other.  It’s a get things done vibe.  Tonight we have our Crescent Moon merging together with Venus, Mercury, and Mars.  This is a good alignment…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today we have a powerful Moon and Venus Conjunction.  They will merge together with Antaras.  This transit will be all about your love life.  It’s bringing a very positive energy for your love life.  Expect major healing to be happening.  This means lots is coming up in areas of love.  Expect things may get emotional…

  • I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

    I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

    The Moon and Venus align today shining a light on your love life.  That makes today’s energies all about love and romance.  This means any blocks may be coming up in these areas.  Expect a lot to be coming up in your closest relationships.  It’s a great time to be tapping into these energies.  I’ll…