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Category: More About Our Healing Services
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Today is the 1:11 Portal. Expect high frequencies and a lot of hopeful energy. It’s a huge manifestation portal. It’s a magic day and brings with it a shift in the Nodes of Destiny, or the Nodes of Fate. Every year and a half, the Nodes of Destiny switch signs, which helps us to focus…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Today Mercury has shifted into Capricorn. These energies we are in are all about continuing to set your intentions for what you want to accomplish over the next couple of months. These energies radiate abundance, and are great to help you to focus on your goals. This is a fated moment of alignment that is…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Mars Retrograde has shifted into Cancer. Cancer will shift our focus to the heart and the home. It may force you through something difficult, but ultimately healing. Be patient as we move through the rest of this Retrograde. Retrogrades are a time to slow down and to reflect. Focus on self care and nurturing yourself…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Today brings us a Venus/ Chiron sextile. Expect a lot of healing, and a lot of healing for your love life to be coming up. Our Sun is also squaring the North Node. Destiny is in the air. It’s all about making sure you’re in your highest alignment energetically, and with your correct path moving…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Welcome to the Winter Solstice! This celestial event marks the shortest day/ longest night of the year. It’s a turning point in the Winter season where nature seems to stand still before the slow return of the Sun’s warmth and brighter days. It’s the rebirth of the Sun. The Winter Solstice isn’t just about the…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Today Venus in Aquarius trines Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. Expect a lot of powerful energies for your love life. Expect a boost in matters of love, and in your finances. This alignment encourages you to explore relationships that uplift and inspire your soul. Jupiter Retrograde helps you to reflect on past lessons in love, helping…
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