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Category: More About Our Healing Services
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
We are doing our Leo Full Moon. These energies are all about letting go of old energies, to make more room for new experiences, and those manifestations. It’s all about doing what you need too, to shift into your full potential. This Full Moon asks you what you need to let go of in order…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Today Mercury meets up in the heart of the Sun forming a Cazimi. Expect a nice recharge, as the Sun is the vital force that gives life and energy. This is an extremely auspicious and powerful alignment. It’s amazing for whatever intentions you’re putting out there. Make sure you’re tuning into your heart, to really…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Today Chiron is sextile our Sun. Chiron is a centaur that travels between Saturn and Uranus. This is a celestial body that has both an asteroid and a comet’s characteristics. Chiron highlights our wounds and what we are working on across our entire lifetime. It’s what you need to heal specifically. It’s the baggage you…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Neptune is conjunct the North Node. This is a big one and won’t happen again in our lifetime. These are very spiritual energies. Fate and destiny are hard at work in the background. We also have Venus sextile Pluto bringing up, or pushing to the surface what you need to heal in your love life. …
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Jupiter is now direct! This is great news. Remember Jupiter is represented by the wheel of fortune card in the Tarot. It represents karma, fate, and destiny. It’s all about taking responsibility for your life and making any changes you want to see. Aries is now in Venus too. This will get things moving, or…
I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Today Mercury is trine Jupiter. Expect a lot of positive energies. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and expansion. Today is the last day of his Retrograde. Expect a lot of positive energies you can fuel into anything that you have planned. These energies are amazing for helping you to rewrite your story, changing your…
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