I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

Today and tomorrow our Sun is exactly opposite of the Galactic Center.  Our Earth is between the Sun and the Galactic Center.  Our entire Planet is receiving powerful energies of awakening.  These are energies that will expend our consciousness.  They serve as a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness with the Universe.  These energies are helping us to heal and integrate any fragmented or unresolved aspects of yourself.  They are powerful energies to be taping into.  I’ll be doing healings and activations today.  Here are the links to sign up…

6:13- 6:14 Sun Opposite The Galactic Center Activation…


6:13-6:14 Sun Opposite The Galactic Center Twin Flame Healing…


6:13- 6:14 Sun Opposite The Galactic Center Twin Flame Clearing…


6:13- 6:14 Sun Opposite The Galactic Center Twin Flame Activation…


6:13- 6:14 Sun Opposite The Galactic Center Aura Healing…



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