Im Doing Healings And Activations Today…

Venus opposes Pluto.  A rebirth is happening in and around your love life.  There is a transformation happening in your love life.  It’s time to confront your past traumas, and heal your heart blocks that are still affecting your current relationships.  Expect big changes in your love life.  You’re being reminded that the healing process is ongoing, and it doesn’t have to be completed before starting a relationship.  Many of you are being guided to open up in love, or to new love.  It’s a great time to be tapping into the energies.  I’ll be doing healing and activation work today.  Here are the links to sign up…

7:12 Venus Opposite Pluto Twin Twin Flame Clearing…

7:12 Venus Opposite Pluto Higher Self Activation…

7:12 Venus Opposite Pluto Twin Flame Shadow Healing Activation…

7:12 Venus Opposite Pluto Twin Flame Healing For Releasing Unhealthy Love Patterns…


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