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I’m doing Healings And Activations Today…
Today brings us a trine between Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini. This alignment should make you feel passionate about connecting with others, especially those who share your dreams for the future. Expect amazing vibes. It’s bringing an expansive and open-hearted energy to your love life. We have a lot of fated energy in the air as we prepare for Tuesdays Eclipse. It’s a great time to be tapping into the energies. I’ll be doing healings and activations today. Here are the links to sign up…
9:15 Venus In Libra Trine Jupiter In Gemini Twin Flame Clearing…
9:15 Venus In Libra Trine Jupiter In Gemini Twin Flame Healing…
9:15 Venus In Libra Trine Jupiter In Gemini Twin Flame Activation…
9:15 Venus In Libra Trine Jupiter In Gemini Activation…
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