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I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…
Today brings us a triple trine. Venus in Scorpio also trines Saturn in Pisces. These energies will be bringing a lot of stability and commitment particularly in relationships and matters related to love and finances. This harmonious connection between Venus, the planet of love and attraction, and Saturn, the planet of structure, responsibility and long-term planning, creates a supportive energy for building solid foundations in personal connections and financial affairs. It’s a great time to be tapping into the energies. I’ll be doing healings and activations today. Here are the links to sign up…
10:4 Venus In Scorpio Trines Saturn In Pisces Twin Flame Twin Flame Healing…
10:4 Venus In Scorpio Trines Saturn In Pisces Twin Flame Clearing…
10:4 Venus In Scorpio Trines Saturn In Pisces Activation…
10:4 Venus In Scorpio Trines Saturn In Pisces Twin Flame Activation…
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