I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

Today Mercury is Trine Saturn.  This alignment is all about you tapping into your purpose and direction.  Today is all about clearing karma and setting long term plans into motion.  It’s time to let go of your past, and any energetic baggage you may still be carrying.  It’s all about where your path is trying to take you moving forward.  Today is dubbed the worst astrological day of the month.  That’s because of the many different energies at play.  Venus makes a minor tie to Chiron.  This may be heightening your insecurities.  However it’s needed to clear the fear.  Venus is making fated decisions.  Venus aspects the North Node of Destiny.  This can be good for your relationships, or any destined connections.  We also shifted into Scorpio Season today.  Expect a lot to be coming up.  This is why today is a great day to be tapping into the energies.  I’ll be doing healings and activations today, which you’ll probably be needing a little extra.  Here are the links to sign up…

10:22 Mercury Trine Saturn Twin Flame Clearing…


10:22 Mercury Trine Saturn Twin Flame Healing…


10:22 Mercury Trine Saturn Activation…


10:22 Mercury Trine Saturn Twin Flame Activation…



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