Light-body Activations In Progress

Your going through light-body upgrades and integration.  As these waves of energy are hitting the planet light codes are activating you.  These are energetic patterns made of certain frequencies.  We are accessing these light-codes in multiple dimensions.  Some people were sent carrying light codes from higher realms or galactic origins and are able to activate them in others.  Each code contains packets of information and even Planetary coordinates.  These codes activate our sub conscious mind.  These light codes restructure the grids of the body, back in alignment with Divine will.  Any type of light languages are an encoded communication with the higher dimensions.  These are etheric instructions meant to upgrade your entire energetic system.  These codes are an interface between your consciousness and the higher realms.  These are the records of who you are, coded information ready to be updated.  Now that the Starseeds are activating we are creating a higher vibrational grid, which is opening space multidimensionally.   The light-body activations your receiving are encoded infusions of light.  Your cells are being activated.  Your cells are losing density.  Any emotional debris or toxins are being purged out.  We are going through this Ascension process rapidly.  Any Ascension symptoms are because theses light body activations are taking place rapidly from one level to another without allowing the body time to integrate.  Your DNA holds your genetic patterns, and the patterns of anything ever created.  The codes are being activated and upgraded.  This is holographically encoded information of all your collective experiences.  

Check out our lighbody activations!

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