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On The Energies…
Tonight we have a Sagittarius Super Moon. This is a Full Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, or the Honey Moon. Tonight’s Moon is extra strong because the Solstice is next week. It’s the second of several Summer Supermoons. Big changes are happening on the Planet. These energies are here to guide us through. Tonight’s Moon will align with the Galactic Center. The Galactic Center is the center of our Milky Way. It’s also it’s entrance. This Moon will be traveling through it’s thickest cluster of stars. This is where the central region of the Milky Way Galaxy spirals between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Sagittarius is protector of our galaxy. You may be feeling a strong desire to help the Planet during this time. Many are waking up and activating huge missions to help in some way. During the Summer Solstice we will come into a powerful Galactic Alignment. June 21st is the Summer Solstice. On the Solstice the Earth’s North Pole tilts at its max towards the Sun. This floods the Planet with a ton of Light coming straight from our Great Central Sun. We also shift into Cancer Season the 21st. On the Solstice the Moon and Chiron will both be meeting in Aries. This will be bringing up old wounds. We have such a focus on healing and coming together to heal during this time. There is a huge influx of energy coming into the Planet over the next few weeks. This is time to rise up and to fight for your dreams. You may be feeling a desire to push back if you have been feeling pushed around lately. The energy over the next two weeks is all about taking back and stepping back into our power. This is also a time to connect with other worlds. It’s a powerful time for connecting with the elementals or to be using elemental magic.
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