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On The Energies…
Today is the last day of the Lions Gate Portal. You may also be feeling a little bit of a spiritual hangover from last nights Super Moon. You could have been having sleep issues, or may just be feeling tired. It could have been bringing up deep issues, or anxieties. A Full Moon hangover can deplete your energy. So make sure your doing extra good foods, vitamins. And self care right now. You may need extra rest this weekend. You may feel a crash coming with the energies. That means it’s time to rest and to integrate the upgrades that you just got with the Lions Gate Portal. Stay focused on your manifestations today. We will continue to have a lot of activations coming in from Sirius/ Orion today. Make sure your doing some type of energy work, so that you can be tapping into the energies. We’re still in the heart of Leo season. Leo is a Galactic Lion. Meant to help us open up and activate our heart chakra. Leo is a protector and a leader. These energies are meant to help us in tapping into and activating our own star power. A major solar plexus purge has been happening this week. Mercury goes retrograde Sep 9th to Oct 1st. That means on Aug 22nd we move into a Pre- Retrograde Retroshade. We also shift into Virgo Season on Aug 22nd. This Virgo Season will be all about healing, getting healthy, and shifting towards a mission of service you came to complete in this lifetime. This Virgo Season is also all about love and relationships. You have been doing a lot of clearing work lately. Where are you at with your love life? This Virgo Season is all about deeper more spiritual connections. Usually in the Fall and Winter new relationships start, and old ones can get more serious. Last nights Moon was activating the North Node of destiny. That means these energies are helping you to move closer towards your ultimate fate. For many that is a Twin Flame Union. A destined partner. One worth coming to Earth for.
art: @shinewonderland
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