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On The Energies…
Happy Libra New Moon! Right now we are still receiving a huge influx of energies. This New Moon is aligned with the Galactic Center of our Milky Way! Welcome to the Super Galactic Center Portal! Libra is a Venus ruled sign. Venus rules over money and love. This is a powerful energy for manifesting either! These energies are all about how your taking care of yourself. For many your being guided to pull back and to really work on yourself. This is a journey through the deepest parts of your soul, as we move through the darker half of the year. We are clearing a lot of energies. We are also moving into a new cycle for relationships. This Libra Season love is definitely in the air. If your single make sure your getting out more. This gives the Universe a chance to align you with the person your looking for. You have all been in a dance with your Twin Flame in every lifetime. If you know, or have met your flame you will feel their energy deeply. There is a yearning that takes place upon meeting, that is meant to draw you together. This Libra Season is all about working on your Twin Flame connection. Make sure your also taking time to work on your inner self. This is how we spiritually connect. Make sure your taking time to meditate, are doing some type of energy work, and are getting out into nature. It’s time to slow down. We are in the last week of September. October brings some huge alignments too.
art: @kokeeneva
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