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On The Energies…
Expect the Geomagnetic Storms to continue. We have a high speed stream of Solar Winds expected to hit the Earth’s magnetic field today. We also had 8 flares kick off yesterday! You may be needing extra rest, self care, healing, and meditation right now. Any Twin Flames may be extra drawn to each other right now. You’re synching your energy like never before. When your energy is merged together you can manifest anything! Everyone is doing some major healing and clearing work right now. If you’re in a Twin Flame connection this will accelerate this process. It’s all about your love life, and a deeper healing of any blocks in that area, as we wrap up 2022. You may be looking at your connections differently. You should be wanting more of a spiritual connection. We are going through a whole series of upgrades through the Solstice. This is taking you into a deeper level of healing. Many are Shifting into higher states of consciousness. Many will be feeling the ascension on a physical level through the Solstice. This may look like clearing past lessons, healing past traumas and karma, things coming up, releasing lower frequencies, and anything that is no longer serving you or resonating with you. You may be experiencing nausea, headaches, and aches and pains right now. This is your body trying to purge out and release energies and toxins. Your senses are heightening. This means you’re feeling more, and able to feel your way though more. You’re able to tune in through your senses to what you do want. You may be clearing and feeling heavy emotions. You may feel like you’re on an ascension roller coaster right now. If you’re feeling tired, know it’s because your body needs time to integrate all of these energies. You should be becoming more sensitive to different energies and everything going on around you. You may be waking up, and seeing more of the problems or bigger picture of what’s happening within the collective. You should be experiencing more and more telepathy. This could be tuning into when a loved one needs you. You’re thinking of someone and they pop up, or you thought something and they received it as a telepathic message. You will be able to pick up on and to read more and more of others energies and thoughts. You will be sensing and tuning into your dreams more and more. This could look like having more dreams, your dreams becoming more vivid or animated, receiving more and more guidance and messages in your dream state. You may be having more and more astral experiences too. Shadow work, healing, and ego coming up. You can’t avoid doing the work or working through the ascension process. You’re receiving new ways of doing things and healing. A deep sense of soul knowing. This could look like knowing your path, what comes next, or feeling a deeper and deeper sense of feeling of what is in alignment with you on a deeper soul level.
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