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On The Energies…
Happy Virgo New Moon! Let’s just say we are receiving a lot of plasma energies right now. This New Moon is extra powerful as it’s supercharged with the energies of the Equinox. Things are shifting. You’re letting go of the old. There is much you have outgrown lately. This Moon is about letting go and starting anew. This Virgo New Moon is so strong for what you’re manifesting. It’s time to be putting your intentions out there. We still have lots of Planets Retrograde, however good news Mercury is shifting direct. Things are getting more clear. Being in lots of Retrograde energy can have us delving back into the past. This is how we heal old wounds. Pay attention to old things that may be surfacing. This Virgo New Moon is reminding us that there is magic in everyday life. We are in the last week of Virgo Season. It’s all about self care and getting yourself sorted. New Moons are a time for cleansing your energy. Don’t forget to be cleansing your home too!! It’s a great time for a recharge and getting focused on your goals and the path ahead. This is the last New Moon before Eclipse Season begins. Spiritually, New Moons symbolize hope and new beginnings. Next week brings the Equinox. This shifts us into a New Season, and brings with it a huge influx of New Energies. It also shifts us into Libra Season and the darker, colder part of the year. Energetically, the Autumn Equinox is a time of balance and pause. You put out there what you want to manifest with this Virgo New Moon, and it will appear in your life for the Equinox.
art: @sheseesthestars
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