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On The Energies…
We are in high frequency energies as we prepare for the Equinox. Expect major timeline shifts and clearing of old baggage. You’re releasing a lot of outworn energies and cycles. These higher energies are highlighting any blockages, wounds, and old karma that you’re still holding on too. This means old fears, or negativity may be coming to the surface. Many are struggling to let go of the 3d reality, or the 3D experience. In order to shift to a higher timeline, you will have to start over. 5D is calling. If there is a shift you are being guided to make, it’s time. Today Venus is at her brightest. This is meant to bring positive shifts to your love life. We are also shifting into Libra Season. This means romance is in the air. Libra is the sign of balance, relationships, and justice. Libra Season is all about relationships. It also brings us a chance to clear or wrap up old karma. Venus is also Conjunct Juno until Oct 8th. Juno rules lasting marriage and business partnerships. That means over the next several weeks the energies are helping us to see if things are simply a short term relationship, or potentially a good long-term fit. This is the space to think about your future and what you want. Relationships are being highlighted. So is marriage. It’s time to clear the relationships that are not really going anywhere. These energies are helping us to get where we need to be in matters of love.
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