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On The Energies…
Today we have Mars in Taurus square Pluto rx in Aquarius. Anytime we have a Mars alignment it’s time to take action on your goals. It’s all about that plan for your life that you have going on. This is a powerful transit that is guaranteed to bring big changes. Mars is often times assertive, aggressive, and competitive. Taurus is all about peace, ease, flow, sensual gratification, stability, harmony, and has an earthy, sensual, luxurious quality. This alignment is bringing a lot of energy, and a lot of fiery energy. This alignment may be bringing up any blocks and obstacles around love and getting to that forever love, or destined Union. Even on the path of your destiny, there will always be obstacles, challenges, and moments that make you question everything. Love and serendipity are in the air as Mars passes through the square. It’s all about deciding what’s worth your time, energy, and focus right now. It’s all about the goals you have for your Summer. It’s all about stepping out of your comfort zone right now. Mars also rules our drive, desire, and what type of partner we will attract. Taurus has their eye on manifesting material stability and comfort. It’s a sign deeply connected to the physical and material worlds. Pluto rules the subconscious. Expect to get a lot of dream messages during this time. Expect the intensity of your dreams to be dialed up a notch. These energies are all about the spiritual rebirth that is happening. It’s all about letting go of your old life, and of old patterns that are not serving you. We have a huge focus on relationships right now. Any karmic ones are dissolving that are holding you back. Many have been, or are being made aware of who their Twin Flame is during this time. This is your only destined connection that you have. It’s the person you’re meant to be with. However it usually requires a lot of healing to shift into Union. Expect a lot of shifts around your connections during the Summer. Many of you have been guided to go back to clear the karmic connections of your past more, so that you can shift into full Union without the negative outside interference.
art: @raw_beauty_content
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