On The Energies…

Today Venus squares the North Node.  Venus conjunct North Node signifies a pivotal moment of destiny’s embrace, guiding us towards profound transformations in matters of love, and relationships.  The Planet of love collides with destiny.  Venus is in Cancer making this alignment all about self care and healing your love life.  Because Venus is in Cancer, while it is, it’s all about clearing family karma and your ancestral past that may be coming up as blocks in your love life.  Expect a very positive energy for your love life.  This alignment is trying to help you to get back on track in this area.  Expect themes around love, fate, and destiny to be at play.  Expect intense energy around your love life right now.  The Universe is trying to guide you towards love.  As Venus squares the Nodes of Destiny, it’s pushing us to make romantic decisions.  Today Mercury is also forming a trine with Saturn.  This will add gravity to your ideas and give you a more realistic outlook on how to execute your plans.  We are feeling Saturn begin to make its shift into Retrograde.  Saturn is retrograde June 29th to November 15th in Aquarius.  Expect the past to be coming up for in a major way during this time. We have a huge focus on releasing our karmic past and karmic blocks.  Expect a lot of reflecting on your past during this time.

art: @glitterartss