On The Energies…

Today Saturn shifts Retrograde until Nov 15th.  These energies are all about healing karmic wounds, clearing karmic blocks, and getting things in order.  Expect your karmic past to be coming up more so you can let go of it more fully.  It’s a time to re-evaluate and redirect your energy in a way that ends up being the most beneficial to you.  Speaking of time, Saturn rules over time and Divine Timing.  Some things may slow down for you at this time, as the Universe is trying to get you back on track.  Tick tock the taskmaster rules the cosmic clock of life.  Certain destined events have been planned out long ago.  The clock symbolizes the meeting place of Twin Flames.  Things slow down bringing us a reflective and contemplative energy.  We are being guided to fix the mistakes of our past.  See this time as a cosmic reset.  It’s a time to clean out our karmic closet.  Karma is something we need to heal,  it can often times have us attracting and sending out signals to the Universe based out of fear.  Unresolved issues may be coming up during this time.  It’s all about healing old wounds through self care.  Expect inner child work to be coming up.  It’s time to break the cycle and to step out of the narratives created for you by your families.  This Saturn Retrograde will be bringing up matters of love as it’s in Pisces.  You’re being guided to take that leap of faith in matters of the heart.

art: @glittsparkles