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On The Energies…
Venus entered Leo today. It will remain there until August 4th. As the Planet of love merges together with Leo you will experience a bigger love. Expect your desire to be amped up. This alignment heightens your desires and emotions. Leo helps you go after what you want with the courage and conviction that you can actually achieve it, making this one of the most potent seasons for romance all year. It’s a great time to start something new. This is an amazing alignment all about wish fulfillment. Expect a lot of positive energies that can bring your wishes true. This is a magical time. As we enter into a Leo-filled Venus season expect it to be all about love and diving head first into partnerships. Tomorrow Venus makes an opposition to Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius. Expect truths to be revealed and deep and honest conversations. Expect things to be emotionally charged. Expect people’s feelings, and intentions to become more clear. Expect positive changes in your relationships. This alignment also brings a lot of opportunities for abundance the rest of July. Expect a lot of romantic and creative energies. Venus in Cancer also forms a trine with Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Expect a lot of spiritual downloads and insights right now. When Neptune is involved, you can access otherworldly energies. Be mindful that this could bring up the shadow side of your relationships. Expect this alignment to illuminate love and creativity. This is a great opportunity to deepen your relationships. Venus is the Planet of attachment, attraction and wealth. Expect positive shifts around money and how you’re attracting it over the next few weeks.
art: @glitterartss
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