On The Energies…

Today Venus is opposite Pluto.  This aspect is all about your love life and relationships.  Attachment wounding and trauma may be coming to the surface.  Any insecurities and inner shadows may be coming up to be healed and dealt with right now.  Any relationship fears may be surfacing to be healed and transmuted.  It’s all about addressing whatever you have been avoiding.  Many of you are dealing with a lot of relationship hurts right now.  It’s time to let go of the heart break and baggage.  It’s all about how your love is being reciprocated right now.  Love is a two way street.  Time to let go of those giving you the bare minimum.  You deserve a lot better than what a lot of you are going through, or getting.  It’s all about healing the deeper relationship triggers.  This alignment may bring turmoil, profound change and even the break ups to long term relationships.  It’s also a strong energy.  Expect extra intense energies around your love life.  Things have the potential to get super passionate in a good way.  Love may even be getting a little obsessive during this time.  Don’t be surprised if you can’t get your person off of your mind.  There is a fated energy around your relationships right now.  Love may feel all consuming right now as we navigate these energies.  These energies are great for healing your love life.  Expect to feel your emotions a little extra right now.  You’ll notice your energy is feeling extra magnetic.