On The Energies…

Happy Capricorn Full Moon.  It’s all about what you’re manifesting this Full Moon.  This is a rare event as it’s the 2nd of a back to back pair of Capricorn Full Moons.  We are closing out a cycle.  Literally, as today is the last day of Cancer Season.  This Full Moon is a time to release and let go that of which is no longer serving you.  It’s all about letting go of the old, and clearing old energies.  This Full Moon aspects Neptune, which is Retrograde in Pisces, giving you a chance to heal your heart.  This is a very healing trine.  The Astroids Eris and Chiron square this Full Moon, both are in Aries.  Old wounds and traumas are resurfacing.  Past pain you experienced in the past is coming up for healing.  This can bring a challenging energy.  It’s all about addressing the deeper wounds.  This may be an emotional Full Moon.  This Full Moon will also form a conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius.  This will help you to tap into your deepest desires.  It also may stir up your fears, insecurities, and triggers.  Pluto is going to magnify and add intensity to the already amped up emotions you’re feeling.  Cancer Season is ruled by the Moon.  This year it both began, and will wrap up on an empowering lunar note.  The axis of Cancer-Capricorn helps us in building a legacy.  It’s all about manifesting and building.  Full Moons are a great time to manifest your dreams.  It’s all about those Summer Goals.  This Full Moon will shine a light on the emotions, projects, and dreams you’ve been putting on hold.  It’s a good time to clean your entire house.  You may want to do a good scrub down and spiritual cleansing.

art: @glittsparkles