On The Energies…

Today is the Galactic New Year and the opening of the Lions Gate Portal.  We are being flooded with a lot of Galactic Energies.  We are connecting with the energies of our Central Sun, Sirius (Our Spiritual Sun, and our Sun.  We have completed another cosmic year.  This brings us a powerful new beginning.  It’s a great time to be tapping into the energies.  I’m doing healings and activations today.  Here are the links to sign up…

7:26 Galactic New Year Twin Flame Clearing…


7:26 Galactic New Year Twin Flame Healing…


7:26 Galactic New Year Abundance Activation…


7:26 Galactic New Year Twin Flame Activation…


7:26 Galactic New Year Healing-Light Code Upgrade…


7:26 Galactic New Year Activation…




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