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On The Energies…
Happy Galactic New Year! Today is the heliacal rising of Sirius. We have energies streaming in now from the Central Sun, our Sun, Sirius, Orion, and Mintaka. Expect a huge influx of Galactic Energies over the next couple of weeks. The Galactic New Year kicks off the opening of the Lions Gate Portal. Our Planet is coming into a powerful alignment with the Galactic Centre of our Universe. This is a highly charged area, and also the spiritual heart. This is the time to be opening your heart fully. There is no better time to synch up with the Spiritual heart of the Universe. These energies are flowing in from the Galactic Center and bringing some powerful light codes with them. Right now our Planet is aligning with the Central Sun, Sun, Sirius, and Orion’s Belt. We will continue to receive these high frequency energies until August 12th. Earth, Sirius, and our Galactic Center will fully align for the 8:8 Portal. Right now, while we are in Leo Season and the link between worlds is at its strongest. Things will be getting extra Galactic on this Planet. These are energies to accelerate your own spiritual awakening. Expect an increase in downloads, your intuition, and dreams. These energies are helping to open you up to higher dimensions and new ways of seeing things. Pay attention to the messages and guidance that you’re getting through. This is an amazing space to work on your energy and set your intentions for the year ahead. We have shifted into a whole New Year. Welcome to the start of a new 13 Moon Cycle. It’s a great time to manifest your dream life. Your being guided to create a life you love that aligns with your soul. These are powerful energies for healing and manifesting. Expect major new beginning vibes.
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