On The Energies…

Today we have a powerful conjunction between the Moon and the Pleiades.  The Moon, Jupiter, and Mars will form a triangle.  Expect a lot of Pleiadian Energies.  The Moon is very close to the Pleiades the next 3 days.  They form a close conjunction each of these days.  Mars is a part of this conjunction, and Jupiter joins in Tuesday and Wednesday.  That means the next few days we are being flooded in a lot of very high frequency positive energies.  Expect some major DNA activations from this merger.  We are in the Lions Gate Portal until August 12th.  This is a chance to turn your dreams into reality.  The Lion’s Gate Portal happens when the Sun in Leo is in alignment with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and Earth.  Orion is rising and will continue to climb in the morning sky.  Sirius is also rising and becomes visible again.  Sirius brings wealth, abundance, and fortune.  That makes this alignment a powerful time to be manifesting.  Sirius is linked to the karmic journey of the soul.  This alignment helps us to heal and release any karmic baggage.  The Sun is all about our ego, purpose and where we can shine in this lifetime.  This alignment creates a portal.  We will receive a lot of powerful light codes.  These energies help us to align with our spiritual path on a deeper level.  Expect spiritual downloads, messages, and a lot of energetic activations.  The Lions Gate accelerates everything.  As in speeds things up, in a good way.  It’s a chance to get a lot done.  It’s also a powerful Twin Flame Gateway.  Expect serendipitous encounters and a lot of Reunion/ Union energies.  Twin Flames who are in the ascension process very much be feeling the energies a little extra.  These energies will help to shift your energy and to speed up your Twin Flame process.