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On The Energies…
Happy 8:8 Portal! It’s the peak of the Lions Gate Portal. The Earth is in a powerful direct alignment with the Galactic Center, Central Sun, Sun, Sirius, and Orion. Orions Belt Is perfectly aligned with the Pyramids of Giza right now. You’re probably feeling the super charged energies that are flooding the Planet right now. These high frequency energies are amazing for doing activation or healing work. The Light Codes of the Lions Gate Portal can help us so much with the ascension work that we are doing right now. These are energies for our spiritual awakening. We are receiving some powerful soul upgrades. This is a powerful portal for instant manifestation. It’s amazing for bringing your dreams into reality. It’s all about creating your 5D dream life. This year the Lions Gate Portal is being amplified by Pluto’s final return to Capricorn before it moves on. Pluto in Capricorn is all about deep self reflection. The focus will be where you might be giving away your power, or holding onto limiting beliefs that prevent you from manifesting your true desires. These energies are helping you to remove these types of blocks. The Lions Gate Portal is a powerful time for setting intentions that will manifest over the next month. Make sure you’re utilizing these high frequency energies. Leo Season always brings supercharged solar energies. As Sirius is moving closer to Earth we are receiving huge influxes of light. When Sirius aligns with the Sun it’s an extremely lucky time to make your dreams come true. We also have the energies of the Planets Mars and Jupiter adding to the mix which represent action and good fortune. It’s time to tap into all of these energies to make things happen.
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