On The Energies…

Today Mercury Retrograde is square Uranus in Taurus.  Mercury rules our mind.  It’s all about our beliefs, thought patterns, and lens through which we see the world.  Since Mercury has been Retrograde we have been revisiting and reframing our past experiences.  It’s all about rewriting things.  This square is all about change, the future, and new ideas.  We also have a Mercury Cazimi today.  A Cazimi occurred when Mercury travels into the heart of the Sun.  As it’s being upgraded we will feel and receive a lot of energetic information.  Expect a lot of downloads, insights, and higher awareness.  Because Mercury is still Retrograde this is great for decluttering and clearing your past.  A healing is happening.  This marks the halfway point of our Mercury Retrograde journey.  Expect a lot of clarity on things.  We also have the two luckiest planets in the sky sinking up.  Venus in Virgo will bump into Jupiter in Gemini.  Expect a lot of positive energies for your love life.  Monday brings us a rare Blue Super Moon in Aquarius.  That means we are in those energies now.  Expect the unexpected.  Because this Full Moon will oppose Mercury retrograde in Leo it’s highlighting ways you need to shift out of ego and into the heart.  This Full Moon will also square off with Uranus.  Be flexible with your plans, as they may change.

art: @shinewonderland