On The Energies…

Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  It’s a powerful activation day.  Galactic Activation Portal Days are days on which the cosmic energy vibrates particularly high.  Higher and stronger energy flows on these days which means that they often ring in change and new beginnings.  On Galactic Activation Portal Days you can better trust your intuition to guide you.  These energies help you to better tap into what you want and encourage you to make important decisions.  Listen to your gut feelings on these days.  Today is a day for manifestation.  It’s a great day for visualizing your desires! The next few days are amazing for setting and sending your intentions out into the Universe.  We are also in the energies of the 9:9 Portal.  The 9:9 Portal is a powerful Ascension Gateway.  Except big shifts, miracles and abundance to come through.  The 9:9 Portal brings powerful energies of destiny, completion, and of karmic endings.  The energies of the 9:9 Portal are so special for any Twin Flames.  The upgrades are helping you to reunite with them.  Whether you never met them, or you’re trying to shift out of a separation.  There is a lot of beautiful Reunion and Union energy in the air.  The 9:9 Portal brings powerful energies all about manifesting your desires, taking charge of your life and following your unique path.  It’s time to let go of what’s holding you back.  We are healing and clearing a lot of deep blocks right now.  Expect a lot of high frequency energies and energetic upgrades.