On The Energies…

Happy 9:9 Portal! We have the energies of the 9:9 Portal coming in now.  These high frequency energies are flooding the Planet.  These are galactic energies encoded with crystalline light codes.  Expect some huge DNA activations this week.  The 9:9 Portal is also connected to Atlantis.  The energy and vibrations of the number 9 are heightened.  It’s the last number in the cycle from 1 to 9.  9 is the number of endings.  A cycle is wrapping up.  Because it’s a double number its effects are amplified.  The 9:9 Portal invites you to let go.  The 9:9 is a Portal into rebirth.  You may feel like you have been placed back into the healing cocoon this Virgo Season.  It’s a great time to let go of old patterns and habits not serving you.  It’s all about working on yourself right now.  The 9:9 Portal signifies the end of one cycle in life, and the opening of a new path.  These energies are here to help to shift you into higher timelines.  Stay focused on your manifestations right now.  The 9:9 Portal is powerful for your manifestations and making big shifts.  The number 9 is all about love.  You’re being guided to open up to love.  You’re being prepared for the ultimate love.  Expect a lot of positive energies to bring a healing to your love life.  When you see the number 99, you should trust your journey and the guidance of the Universe.  Remember to have faith in your destiny, and allow the Universe to guide you to it.