On The Energies…

Today we have Venus trine Mars.  The power of their long alignment is at its peak.  When Venus trines Mars you get an easy flow between action and attraction.  This alignment will bring you moments of passion and romance.  This is a romantic trine.  It’s a blend of passion and sensuality with empathy and nurture.  We also have Mercury trine Jupiter.  Expect a lot of downloads and to be tapping into a lot of extra information right now.  Expect a lot of messages to be coming through.  Pay attention to your dreams during this time.  It’s great for a much needed shift in perspective.  We also have this happening at the same time Mercury opposes Chiron Retrograde.  This means old wounds are coming up or resurfacing.  Chiron wounds are whatever we are healing over the course of this lifetime, and many other lifetimes.  These energies may bring a mix of much needed hope, but also deeper pain coming up for clearing.  October is a month all about connection and transformation.  Balance and commitment are the main focus.  This month offers a fresh start in relationships.  Whether rekindling an old flame, or starting a new romance.  We still have Venus casting its love spell through Scorpio, the magic of intensity and seduction are in the air.  Venus is all about opening up and being vulnerable in your soul to soul connections.  While in Scorpio you are guided to confront the darker aspects of your relationships.  This is the best time to tell someone how you feel if you love them.