On The Energies…

Today starts out with Mercury in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn.  This may be bringing up feelings, and conversations straight from the shadows.  Some of the things you’re having to deal with may be making you feel a little vulnerable.  Later today Mercury enters Scorpio, and remains there until Nov 2nd.  With this alignment you will want more intimacy.  You’ll be craving a deeper connection.  Expect your conversations may get deep today.  This alignment is helping us to deal with any challenges that may be arising.  This alignment can bring major shifts in how you think and interact with those around you.  Today Mars in Cancer aligns with Chiron.  We have had a lot of Chiron energy lately.  It represents our deepest wounds as well as our ongoing healing journey.  Be patient as your healing many lifetimes of traumas within this one.  Healing is an ongoing process.  The week ahead may bring a busy vibe with a lot of highs and lows.  Your biggest challenge for the rest of October is all about facing your deepest fears and insecurities head-on.  The rest of the month brings a lot of clearing work.  The 17th brings us our Aries Full Moon.  Expect this one to set your heart on fire.  This is a Super Moon.  It will mark the end of Eclipse Season, and the beginning of whatever you’re manifesting next.  Venus in Scorpio will sextile Pluto in Capricorn on the same day, deepening your commitments.  That to means this next Full Moon will bring an intense energy.