On The Energies…



Today kicks off the first day of ten back to back Galactic Activation Portal Days.  These are days when the energetic vibrations on Earth open in a special way, allowing a powerful stream of Universal energy to pass through.  These days are all about change and new beginnings.  You can better tap into your intuition to guide you on these days.  Expect more downloads, inspiration, and creative ideas.  On these days the veil between the worlds is thinner.  These energies may get intense and they tend to amplify how you’re feeling.  This is a heightened space for manifesting.  We have entered into the portal.  Whatever you focus on will expend.  It’s a great time to be setting intentions.  This is a time where we can connect and receive new light codes.  The energy is very powerful in this space.  Expect a lot of upgrades.  These energies are giving us a chance to shift our timelines into higher realities.  This week also shifts us into Scorpio Season which will add to the intensity.  We are in a major space of clearing right now, as we are being guided to further declutter from and let go of heavy energies and resistance from our past.  Scorpio is all about death/ rebirth and transformation.  It also rules over sex.  Expect intense energies that help us to let go of some deeper blocks.  It’s all about letting go so you can rise into a newer 5D version of yourself.  You may notice that you’re healing and letting go of a lot of fears right now.  Expect when we deal with Pluto energy that we tend to purge out things connected to our family lines.

art: @shinewonderland