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On The Energies…
Today is our Sagittarius New Moon. It’s helping us to open new doors. It’s all about putting your intentions out there for those manifestations right now. It’s all about where you want your next chapter to take you. It’s a great time to set an intention for abundance. The archer is all about exploring new directions. Make sure your crystal clear on what you want and where you’re going right now. This New Moon is setting the overall mood of the month. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck. Sagittarius is known for its optimism. It brings a seeing the glass as half full kind of vibe. Expect an uplifting, fresh start in your life kind of energy. We have a powerful alignment happening between this New Moon and the Nodes of Destiny. The Nodes of Destiny inspire hope. Make sure you’re trusting the process right now. This New Moon is supercharged as it forms a trine to Mars. Mars energy should have you feeling more driven, motivated and energized. Since Mercury is retrograde it will amplify introspection. This is great for healing and clearing anything it’s currently digging up from your past. You want to use this New Moon to find a balance between dreaming big and creating a realistic plan to bring your visions to life.
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