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On The Energies…
The energies are going to continue to be quite high for the first few months of this year. Right now your body is adjusting to the jump into a much higher frequency. Remember as your frequency goes up, your actual timelines change too. As the Planetary frequencies continue to rise up so do too. Your integrating into the highest frequency to that you can hold at this time. You may be experiencing ascension symptoms as your body is working overtime to release, or let go of old energies. You may be experiencing increased intuition, heightened emotional sensitivity, shifts in your moods/ or mood swings, shortness in breath, feeling overwhelmed or anxious, fatigue and exhaustion, headaches, stomach issues, changes in appetite, heart palpitations, tingling/ buzzing/ or vibrating sensations in your body, increased sensitivity to light and sound, ringing/ or buzzing in the ears, feeling lightheaded/ or dizzy, feeling disoriented and out of body, vivid dreams and heightened dream recall, sleep disturbances, night sweats, hot flashes, and waking in the night between 2 and 4 A.M. You’re integrating into a new 5D frequency. As you begin to awaken more and more you’re purging out/ or letting go of the old. You may feel disconnected from your old self, a desire for deeper meaning, questioning how your living your life/ and sensing more of the collective, or big picture of the Planet, increased empathy and compassion, more of a desire to get out into nature, deep introspection, a sense of purpose or calling, increased intuition and gut feelings, seeing more/ or picking up on more signs, synchronicities, and repeating numbers and patterns. Self doubt, fear, and other negativities may surface for you to clear, shadow aspects and any karmic baggage your still holding may surface for you to clear, wounded inner child and relationship aspects may come up for you to acknowledge and heal. You will feel a pull to disconnect from old beliefs and patterns. The symptoms will vary depending on each person and your own individual souls journey. You will understand you have things to heal, and will feel a pull to really dive into your healing journey. The symptoms are showing you areas and blocks that you need to work on. You’re going through a lot of energetic changes fast. Trust the process. You’ll feel more connected to Source as you move through this process, because Ascension is a process. Focusing on self care and staying more present in the now will help so much. You’ll feel more and more of a desire to step into your full potential. You’ll begin to get more downloads, and integrate more and more of the higher here into your everyday experience. You’re expanding your consciousness beyond time and space. This may change how you perceive time. You will be asked to let go of old connections, and situations that are no longer serving you. Self love and care as you continue through this intense process of becoming your Higher Self.
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