On The Energies…

Today our Moon is square Mars in Cancer.  These energies are like do you give up, or go all in.  It’s important that you’re getting more clear on what it is that you want.  Stay focused on everything going right in your life during this time.  This year is bringing major blessings into your life.  Remember these energies are always working in your behalf.  It’s not happening to you, it’s happening for you kind of vibes.  A Square is a sign that something is about to change, it opens the door for movement and positive change.  Our Moon also opposes Chiron.  This may be bringing to light any confidence issues.  As your healing more self love and deeper awareness is so important.  Chiron may be highlighting any pain you’re still working through.  You may be feeling a push and pull between your fears and your desires as the Moon is also opposing Venus in Aries.  Venus doesn’t do great in Aries.  This can be stirring up fears of rejection.  These energies are all about releasing behaviors, patterns, habits, and perspectives that are no longer serving you.  Tuesday brings a beautiful and much needed shift into Pisces Season.  Expect more empathy, sensitivity, intuition, and imagination.  This Pisces Season will be extra powerful as our North Node is in Pisces.  That means it’s giving you a chance to align with your destiny, and your destined path moving forward.  It’s all about dreaming up a new and improved version of yourself.  The real work is being done on yourself and who you’re becoming.

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