On The Energies…



Mars has shifted direct in Cancer.  This is amazing for reigniting your inner fire.  Things may have felt a little sluggish energetically the past few months.  It’s all about finding your flow again.  This shift brings an end to the emotional delays, and creative roadblocks.  This is the perfect time to get back to your to do list.  The last few months may have felt emotionally exhausting.  It’s been deep work to clear past energies and past hurts.  Expect a forward momentum with the energies again.  This direct motion will make life feel like it’s returning to its normal pace.  How your handling your emotional energy and how your engaging in your relationships is so important at this time.  These energies are best navigated when you are focusing on nurturing yourself and the people around you.  Mars stays in Cancer until mid-April.  You’re still being guided to take notice of the energy vampires in your life, and use the fire of Mars to set boundaries.  Mars in Cancer is all about you better managing what you’re putting your energy into.  You may still get guided to clear any connections that may be zapping your power.  Venus Retrograde in Aries kicks off March 1st.  We have already been in the Pre-Retrograde Shadow.  Venus rules love, relationships, values, and finances.  This means we are doing a major focus on healing these areas now, and are clearing some major past blocks.  This can make you feel like you’re hitting a brick wall in your love life.  Like things aren’t moving forward, but are in fact guiding you backwards to heal the past.  Venus Retrograde isn’t typically a fantastic time for romance and money matters.  We also have Mercury Retrograde and two Eclipses coming our way.  Expect this Venus Retrograde can bring any issues to the surface.  It’s an important time for self-love, self-reflection, and reevaluating what’s important to you when it comes to your relationships.  It’s a time for emotional healing, reflection, and letting go of the things that no longer serve you.

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