On The Energies…

Today our Moon in Aquarius is square Uranus in Taurus.  This is bringing good fortune.  Uranus is the unpredictable planet of Fate.  You’re being guided to dream big, and to do what you need to, to make these dreams happen.  These energies are bringing change, and are opening up now possibilities.  This energy combo is perfect to detach from any stagnant situations in your life.  These energies are all about grounding your dreams in to reality.  Mars shifted direct a few days ago.  This retrograde period has zapped motivation and drained energy for weeks.  This is good news, things can get moving in the right direction again! Mars is in its post-retrograde phase until May 2nd.  It’s all about moving forward again and finding your flow again.  The Moon also sextiles Chiron.  Expect major healing energies.  A void Moon period begins today at 5:04 pm, and runs until tomorrow at 3:46 am.  Tomorrow then brings us our Pisces New Moon.  Tomorrow’s Pisces New Moon happens during the most restorative, restful part of the Moon’s monthly cycle.  That means listen to your body if you’re needing rest, or a break.  Half of the ten major astrological Planets will be in Pisces.  Not to mention the North Node.  The North Node rules over and aligns us with our destiny.  That means the focus should be on your manifestations, and harnessing the dreamy vibes!

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