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On The Energies…
We are within the Beltane/ Samhain Gateway. This is a time when the veil between worlds is thin. The Spirit World is closer then our own right now. In the North it’s the beginning of Summer, and in the South it’s the beginning of Winter. Beltane is halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Beltane is a time to celebrate The Sacred Marriage/ Spiritual Union of the Goddess/ May Queen and God/ Green Man. It’s the Union of Earth and Sky. It’s a time when the masculine and feminine energies are meant to be in balance and together. This is also an extremely energetic time for the Earth. The Ley Lines and many Sacred Sites begin to activate. That’s why these energies really take us into the realm of the fairies. Since the veil is so thin right now, we are very much in the other realm right here. The Fairies are extra active right now. You can find them dancing and playing a little extra. This is a time to celebrate, as the Wheel Of The Year is turning. The Spirits are extra active to. This is a time when your loved ones come to visit. The Witches come out to. Lots of magical energies. This energy is all about love and relationships. We are going through lots of heart chakra activation right now. Taurus Season is a great time to bring some extra love and romance into your relationships. We have the 5.5 Portal next week too, so amazing energies to be using. The 5.5 Portal will be bringing a huge influx of energies with it.
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