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On The Energies…
We are moving into the peak of the Lions Gate Portal. The entire galaxy is coming into a powerful alignment with our Planet. The energies of the heavens are pouring in. Right now your receiving extra assistance from the other realm. We are able to receive the guidance and messages coming through from our angels and spirit guides more easily. Tomorrow our Central Sun, Sun, Sirius, Orion, and Earth will all form a powerful alignment. This will open and activate the 8/8 Portal. As these energies and stars align a Stargate opens flooding the planet with galactic energies. These galactic energies are playing, and will continue to play an important role in the changes that are occurring throughout our Planet. We also have a Leo New Moon this weekend. You can feel the new energies it’s bringing. We are making really big shifts right now. A lot of you are feeling it on a physical level. You may be more tired as your body is adjusting to these higher frequency energies. This is such a powerful space for your life and what your creating. We are able to tap into these energies to instant manifest in a big way. We are always manifesting anyways, so the rest of 2021 is a great time to get very intentional. These energies are all about what you want to create with the rest of this year. Over the next week we will continue to be encouraged to do a lot of deep work with the heart chakra. For some this may mean doing more clearing work. Some of you may have relationship stuff, childhood stuff, or past life stuff surfacing for more healing. And some of you may be encouraged to just open up on deeper levels, and to step into more of a heart space. It’s a great time also to tap into the information coming into the planet with these energies. Expect to experience a huge expansion in consciousness as we move through the rest of August.
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