Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy 3:3 Portal.  March is bringing us a powerhouse of energies.  That means expect major energy shifts this month.  Tonight we have a powerful Venus and Chiron Conjunction happening.  Chiron is the astroid of all your hurts and healing.  Chiron’s…

  • Happy 3:3 Portal!!! Amazing Energies to be doing healing work with, or to be manifesting with.  I’m doing activations all day long today.  Here are the link to the ones I am doing just for today.  You just sign up…

  • We are in the 3:3 Portal.  This a powerful Galactic Gateway and a Twin Flame Portal.  Tonight we have a rare Jupiter Venus Conjunction.  We call this Kissing Planets.  They have been shifting closer and closer through February.  Tonight they…

  • I’m doing Activations today for the rare 3:2 Jupiter Venus Conjunction happening Now.  We call this kissing planets.  Expect a night time kiss in the sky above us.  As these Planets merge energy it’s great for tapping into.  Time to…

  • March is such a High Energy Month.  In march we have 7 major conjunctions happening.  Conjunctions kick off and shift us into new planetary cycles.  They bring very strong energies that help to shift us forward on our path.  March…

  • We are at a K7 Index right now.  We have a strong G3 class Geomagnetic Storm going on now.  Last night a CME hit Earth’s magnetic field, which is reverberating from the impact.  Right now the Solar Winds are at…