Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy 3:13.  Today is a Galactic Activation Day.  That means the energies are high and it’s a day to be focused on the spiritual and your healing.  It’s a powerful Gateway that we should be using to tap into the…

  • Tonight we have a powerful alignment as Jupiter is conjunct Chiron.  They meet up in Aries.  Chiron always spends longer in Aries than any other sign.  Chiron is a healer and a huge activator for our own healing gifts.  This…

  • Today’s Jupiter Chiron Conjunction is giving us a chance to heal our past on a deep level.  We are going way deep with today’s alignment to use it to clear the energies of the past and to activate higher timelines/…

  • We are doing Colours Of Angels class today.  Working with the Archangels.  Working with the colours of each ray.  Go through the angel hierarchy and on connecting and working with the angels.  You are given a book, video access, and…

  • We are feeling the Lunar Energies thru tomorrow.  We always do in that 3 day space! It may be affecting your sleep, or more may be coming up right now.  We have high energies and a lot shifting around this…

  • 3:11 Jupiter Conjunct Chiron – Major Healing Gateway. 3:13 Galactic Activation Portal Day. 3:16 Venus Enters Taurus Major Relationship/ Twin Flame Gateway.  Major Shift Day. 3:17 Galactic Activation Portal Day.  Major Shift Day. 3:20 Equinox.  Fairy Gateway.  Pleiadian Gateway. 3:21…