Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Tonight 3:22:2023 is a powerful Cosmic Event called the Heaven’s Cross Portal.  A powerful Pleiadian Portal of energies opens/ is activated.  The Heaven’s Cross occurs the night before Pluto’s big shift into Aquarius (3:23:2023).  Our Planet will transcend the barriers…

  • Happy Equinox! This is a time to work your magic!  We have the Equinox, a shift into Spring, the start of a new astrological year, Aries Season and an Aries New Moon all going on.  The energies of the Spring…

  • You may want to slow down and rest up today.  Tomorrow is the first day of Spring.  It’s the Spring Equinox.  Just as there is a shift in the seasons happening, there is a shift in the energies happening.  During…

  • Happy Equinox.  It’s a time to get your energy right.  Powerful energies to be tapping into for doing healing work.  I have several activations that I am doing for the Equinox.  Make sure your signed up… Equinox Stargate Activation……

  • Getting attuned to Reiki changed my life.  Reiki is a powerful hands-on healing method for channeling universal energy.  The subtle energy of Reiki can transform people and heal people.  We are doing Reiki 1 today.  You sign up and I…

  •  Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  Today is a day for healing and tapping into the other side.  The veil is wide open right now, which means the spiritual worlds are way open.  You may be having more Spirit…