Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Wednesday’s Gemini Full Moon is helping us do a massive ascension clearing.  You may feel things aren’t going your way or as planned.  It’s important that your having patience right now.  This Moon is aligned with Mars.  The Moon and…

  • Let’s talk December Alignments.  December 6th the Moon will align with the Pleiades and Mars.  The Moon will slide between the Pleiades and the star Aldebaran, which is the brightest part of the V-shaped Hyades star cluster that forms the…

  • Huge Incoming Waves of Galactic Energies coming in right now.  We have a solar storm/ solar winds hitting  Earth right now that are traveling millions of miles per hour.  Expect These Geomagnetic Storms to continue to hit us very strongly…

  • It’s so important that we are choosing higher ascension timelines right now.  We can do this by becoming more spiritual.  This may look like making more time for your spiritual practices, or to be studying more.  Find a good teacher,…

  • Tonight’s New Moon In Sagittarius is aligning with the last day of the November Pleiadian Alignment.  This week we are receiving a ton of Galactic Energies, and a huge influx of it from Hydra, Orion and the Pleiades.  You’re probably…

  • We meditate today for the Sagittarius New Moon.  I always do meditation groups every New Moon and Full Moon.  We do connect with the grid, and do chakra work.  Channeled healing.  We meditate at Noon Cali time (8pm UK time). …