Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy Equinox! It’s a Faerie Festival.  The Faerie Festivals take place on the crossover points in the seasons.  During the crossover points there are huge energy shifts that occur.  During the Autumn Equinox we celebrate and honor the Faery Queen. …

  • We have 6 Planets Retrogrades this month.  That may feel like things are moving funny, or your being guided to slow down.  More then half the sky is retrograde at the same time, and during the Equinox.  Here is your…

  • We are feeling the energies of the Equinox already.  Each season is different and brings different lessons.  The veil between our world, and the spirit world is getting thinner and thinner.  Equinox’s are powerful portals and also crossing points.  We…

  • Happy Harvest Moon! This Pisces Full Moon is super charged with the Energies of the Equinox.  You may feel the storm is coming with this Equinox too.  It very much is too.  This weeks energies have been huge with Mercury…

  • We are doing a meditation for the Pisces Full Moon today, which is our Harvest Moon.  Time for the Harvest! We come together at Noon Cali time, 8pm UK time.  You can do it anytime on replay too.   Here…

  • Happy Harvest Moon! The Harvest Moon is the Moon that is closest to the Equinox.  During the Harvest Moon the lunar energies are at it’s strongest. This is a Pisces Full Moon and the symbol for this Moon is the…