Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • It’s my favorite time of year! The Harvest Moon is very much taking us into the Equinox.  We have the 9:9 Portal Friday, the Pisces Full Moon/ Harvest Moon Saturday, and the 9:11 Portal Sunday.  Expect huge energies from now…

  • It’s September 1st.  Welcome to a New Month, of New Energies.  Sep 23rd is the Equinox.  Things are very much getting started now for that too.  Get ready for a powerful 3 weeks of Equinox Energies.  Next weekend brings us…

  • Next weekend I’m doing activations and a meditation.  September is bringing huge energies because of the Equinox.  For sure make sure your signing up for them… Fri I’m doing 9:9 Portal Activations… Sat I’m doing a meditation for the…

  • Tonight’s Virgo New Moon is time to be sowing your seeds for the future.  The energies are changing on the Planet and our thoughts are manifesting rapidly.  It’s a great time to be working some magic by setting your intentions. …

  • We are coming together to meditate today for the Virgo New Moon at Noon Cali time (8pm UK time).  I love doing group work too.  Coming together to do some healing work.  If you can’t make it live, it’s available…

  • Saturday’s Virgo New Moon aligns with Draco. Draco the Dragon can be seen over us right now. This constellation is snaking it’s way across the sky. The sky tends to tell us a deeper Galactic story. A record of our…