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Tonight Five planets align in a Planetary Alignment. This is a Major Astrological Event. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus all line up in a row. This alignment is the Holy Arc into the 5th Dimension. The Plants line up…
The Moon is aligned with the Pleiades today. Today is a powerful Pleiadian Portal Day. Today is the last of the 4 Galactic Activation Portal Days that came with March. Tonight our Waxing Crescent Moon will pass by the Pleiades…
Pleiadian Portal Day. Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day and the last in a series of 4 that came with march. That to makes it a day for healing. Powerful Light Codes steaming in today. I’m doing activations all…
Receiving a huge influx of light from Sirius, Orion, Mintaka, and the Pleiades right now. The Equinox kicked off quite the energies. We have a lot of big energies coming at us over the next few weeks. It’s the last…
3:23:2023 Sirius Alignment and Pluto shifts into Aquarius! I’m doing activations today. Amazing energies to be tapping into. Today I’ll be doing Galactic Chakra Activations. Here is the link to sign up…
We are going to continue to feel the energies of the Equinox quite strong over the next 3 weeks. This is a good thing. Make sure you’re staying positive and setting intentions right now. This is such a powerful space…
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